Workgroup | Group Domain | Folder Name | File Name | Item | Form Number | Instructions | Expected Expire Date | Brief Instructions | Production Method | Hide From Catalog |
Epic Downtime Forms | Local | ASSESS | FEES_ASSESS021Downtime.pdf | FEES ASSESS021 | 07/2021 Rev. | Downtime Form - Print On Demand Only | N | |||
Epic Uptime Forms | Local | ASSESS | SleepCenterPre_PostSleepQuestionnaire_ASSESS111.pdf | Pre and Post Sleep Questionnaire ASSESS111 | 07/2021 Rev. | Tonya Ford | N | |||
Epic Uptime Forms | Local | HIMROI | DocumentRetired.pdf | ***RETIRED PER CYNTHIA HILL *** SRMG Release of Verbal Information HIMROI012, Russian | 07/2021 Rev. | Cynthia Hill | N | |||
Epic Uptime Forms | Local | HIMROI | DocumentRetired.pdf | ***RETIRED PER CYNTHIA HILL*** SRMG Release of Verbal Information HIMROI012 | 07/2021 Rev. | Cynthia Hill | N | |||
Epic Uptime Forms | Local | HIMROI | DocumentRetired.pdf | ***RETIRED PER CYNTHIA HILL*** SRMG Release of Verbal Information HIMROI012, Arabic | 07/2021 Rev. | Cynthia Hill | N | |||
Epic Uptime Forms | Local | HIMROI | DocumentRetired.pdf | ***RETIRED PER CYNTHIA HILL*** SRMG Release of Verbal Information HIMROI012, Spanish | 07/2021 Rev. | N | ||||
Epic Uptime Forms | Local | HIMROI | DocumentRetired.pdf | ***RETIRED per Cynthia Hill*** Release of Verbal Information HIMROI008, Flat Sheet | 07/2021 Rev. | Nancy Blankenship/Health Information Management | N | |||
Epic Uptime Forms | Local | MDORD | CTLungScreeningOrderForm_HamptonRoads_MDORD537_2021.pdf | Hampton Roads Low-Dose CT Lung Screening Order Form MDORD537 | 07/2021 Rev. | 2 sided, padded 25 sheets p/pad | 1/1/2300 12:00 | Melissa Bell/Hampton Roads Nurse Navigator | N | |
Epic Uptime Forms | Local | MDORD | SNVMC_PETCTSchedulingRequisition_MDORD532update.pdf | SNVMC PET/CT Scheduling Requisition MDORD0532 | 07/2021 Rev. | Melissa Botelho | N | |||
Health and Wellness | Local | General Health and Wellness Info | MLMP_FactSheet_BloodPressure_8.5x11_v0721_Spanish_High_Resolution.pdf | MLMP Fact Sheet Blood Pressure 8.5x11 (Spanish) Pads of 50 pgs | 07/2021 Rev. | 8/13/2021 9:10 | Rosalinda Babilonia | N | ||
Health and Wellness | Local | General Health and Wellness Info | MLMP_FactSheet_Cholesterol_8.5x11_v0721_Spanish_High_Resolution.pdf | MLMP Managing Your Cholesterol 8.5x11 (Spanish), pads of 50 | 07/2021 Rev. | 8/13/2021 9:09 | Rosalinda Babilonia | N | ||
Health and Wellness | Local | General Health and Wellness Info | MLMP_FactSheet_Cholesterol_v0721.pdf | MLMP Managing Your Cholesterol, Pads of 50 | 07/2021 Rev. | 2 up 13 x 19 cut to 8.5 x 11, pad 50 p/pad | 1/1/2300 12:00 | Rosalinda Babilonia | N | |
Health and Wellness | Local | General Health and Wellness Info | MLMP_FactSheet_BloodPressure_8.5x11_v0721_bleeds.pdf | MLMP Managing Your High Blood Pressure, Pads of 50 | 07/2021 Rev. | 2 up 13 x 19 cut to 8.5 x 11, pad 50 p/pad | 1/1/2300 12:00 | Rosalinda Babilonia | N | |
Health and Wellness | Local | General Health and Wellness Info | MLMP_FactSheet_Cholesterol_8.5x11_v0721_Spanish_High_Resolution.pdf | MLMP SPANISH Managing Your Cholesterol, Pads of 50 | 07/2021 Rev. | 2 up 13 x 19 cut to 8.5 x 11, pad 50 p/pad | Rosalinda Babilonia | N | ||
Health and Wellness | Local | General Health and Wellness Info | MLMP_FactSheet_BloodPressure_8.5x11_v0721_Spanish_High_Resolution.pdf | MLMP SPANISH Managing Your High Blood Pressure, Pads of 50 | 07/2021 Rev. | 2 up 13 x 19 cut to 8.5 x 11, pad 50 p/pad | Rosalinda Babilonia | N | ||
Health and Wellness | Local | General Health and Wellness Info | Safe_Opioid_Prescribing_Guidelines.pdf | Safe Opioid Prescribing Guidelines Notepad (50 pages per pad) | 07/2021 Rev. | Tina Baucom | N | |||
Imaging | Local | Breast Imaging | Mammo_Reminder_Card_-_Central_Scheduling_21.pdf | Mammo Reminder Card - Central Scheduling Card | 07/2021 Rev. | Melony Garrison | N | |||
Maternity | | Forms | VS6B_Birth-application.pdf | VDH Official Birth Application Form #2100 | 07/2021 Rev. | prints front and back | Susan Portillo | N | ||
Maternity | | General Information | SLH_Maternity_In_Person_flyer.pdf | SLH Maternity In Person Flyer | 07/2021 Rev. | Ashley Kelly-Barnes | N | |||
Maternity | | Newborn | SPAH_NICUSupportGroup_Rackcard.pdf | SPAH NICU Support Group Rack Card #2245 | 07/2021 Rev. | JJ Toombs | N | |||
Oncology | Local | General Information | BreastCancer_Screening_Flyer.pdf | Breast Cancer Screening Guidelines Flyer #2301 | 07/2021 Rev. | Rosemarie West | 1/1/2300 12:00 | Chelsie Williams | N | |
Oncology | Local | General Information | Life_Beyond_Cancer_Additional_Support_flyer_august2021.pdf | Living Beyond Cancer Additional Support Flyer | 07/2021 Rev. | Angela Duke | N | |||
Oncology | Local | General Information | 3671B_CT_Lung_Screening_Brochure_2021__1_.pdf | Lung Cancer Screening, Low-Dose CT Scan (LDCT) Brochure | 07/2021 Rev. | 1/1/2300 12:00 | Integrated Care Management/Melissa Bell/Chelsie Williams/Angela Duke | N | ||
Oncology | Local | General Information | PhysicistSurveyPreliminaryForm_1560_updated.pdf | Physicist Survey Preliminary Results Form #1560 | 07/2021 Rev. | 1/1/2300 12:00 | Thelma Papini | N | ||
Oncology | Local | General Information | 4319_Sen_EVMS_Herad_Neck_Rack_wQRCode_rackcard.pdf | Sentara EVMS Head & Neck Rack - Tracheostomy | 07/2021 Rev. | Celeste Youngblood Bodenbender | N | |||
Oncology | Local | General Information | SentaraHahnCancerCenter_BreastCancerSupportGroup_flyer.pdf | Sentara Hahn Cancer Center Breast Cancer Support Group Flyer | 07/2021 Rev. | Maxine Jean-Louis/Deanna Lam | N | |||
Orthopedic | Local | Sentara OrthoJoint Center | Top_10_Reasons_to_Heal_at_Home_2021_Orthopedics.pdf | Top 10 Reasons to Heal at Home (Orthopedics) | 07/2021 Rev. | Julie Suedmeyer-Buller | N | |||
Orthopedic | Local | Sentara Spine Center | Top_10_Reasons_to_Heal_at_Home_2021.pdf | Top 10 Reasons to Heal at Home after Spine Surgery | 07/2021 Rev. | Julie Suedmeyer-Buller | N | |||
Orthopedic | Local | Sentara Therapy Center | SentaraTherapyCenter_Blocker_Rackcard.pdf | Sentara Therapy Center - Blocker Rack Card #1766 | 07/2021 Rev. | Coated card stock, 6 up on a 13x19, 2 sided | 1/1/2300 12:00 | April Harrington/Team Coordinator | N | |
Outpatient Services | | Sleep Centers | CSM-PAPnapPanelCd-0421.pdf | SRMH PAP NAP Rack Card | 07/2021 Rev. | Tonya Turner | N | |||
Outpatient Services | | Sleep Centers | Sleep_Center_Patient_Satisfaction_Survey_1365.pdf | Sleep Center Patient Satisfaction Survey Out of Center Sleep Testing #1365 | 07/2021 Rev. | 1/1/2300 12:00 | Tonya Ford | N | ||
Physician Practices | Local | General Information | SAMC_Sentara_Specialist_Rack_Card.pdf | SAMC Sentara Specialist Rack Card | 07/2021 Rev. | Teresa White | N | |||
Physician Practices | Local | General Information | SentaraCardiologySpecialists_Referral_Card_Locations.pdf | SCS Advanced Heart Failure Rack Card with Locations | 07/2021 Rev. | Bethany Wyatt/Tiffany Douville | N | |||
Physician Practices | Local | General Information | SMG_Ped_vaccines.pdf | SMG Pediatric Vaccines (Education, Protect, Vaccinate Your Child) #2259 | 07/2021 Rev. | Vanessa Hill | N | |||
Physician Practices | Local | General Information | PediatricVillage_summer2021.pdf | SMG Pediatric Village Summer 2021 Newsletter | 07/2021 Rev. | Vanessa Hill | N | |||
Physician Practices | Local | Physician Office Forms | ControlledSubstanceTreatmentAgreement1605.pdf | Controlled Substance Treatment Agreement #1605 | 07/2021 Rev. | 1/1/2300 12:00 | Candace Minter/SMG Pharmacy Administration | N | ||
Physician Practices | Local | Physician Office Forms | ControlledSubstanceTreatmentAgreement1605_Spanish.pdf | Controlled Substance Treatment Agreement #1605, SPANISH | 07/2021 Rev. | 1/1/2300 12:00 | Candace Minter/SMG Pharmacy Administration | N | ||
Physician Practices | Local | Physician Office Forms | SentaraSurgerySpecialists_Woodbridge_Stafford_portrait.pdf | Sentara Surgery Specialists Woodbridge & Stafford Notepad (25 pages per pad) #0305 | 07/2021 Rev. | Diane Kerrick | N | |||
Quality-Safety | Local | COVID-19 | 4708_Employee_Visitation_Update-_16x20_-_print.pdf | Employee Visitation (16" x 20") Foam Core | 07/2021 Rev. | Chelsie Williams | BizPort | N | ||
Quality-Safety | Local | COVID-19 | 4708_Employee_Visitation_Update-_24x36_-_071521_-_print.pdf | Employee Visitation (24" x 36") Foam Core | 07/2021 Rev. | Chelsie Williams | BizPort | N | ||
Quality-Safety | Local | COVID-19 | 4708_Employee_Visitation_Update-_24x36_-_071521_-_print.pdf | Employee Visitation 24" x 36" (Wall Cling) | 07/2021 Rev. | Chelsie Williams | BizPort | N | ||
Sentara Enterprises (Home Care, Hospice, Infusion, Pharmacy, | Local | Hospice | HopeCard_Sympathy_Hospice_Toni.pdf | Hope Card with Preprinted Envelope, Chesapeake Hospice #1657 | 07/2021 Rev. | WHITE Card Stock, 2 up on 11 x 17, Fold to 8.5 x 5.5, 9 x 6 Blank Env. | 1/1/2300 12:00 | Toni V. Mayes | N | |
Sentara Enterprises (Home Care, Hospice, Infusion, Pharmacy, | Local | Hospice | WeRememberCard_Anniversary_Hospice_Chesapeake_Toni.pdf | We Remember Card with Preprinted Envelope, Chesapeake Hospice #1656 | 07/2021 Rev. | WHITE Card Stock, 2 up on 11 x 17, Fold to 8.5 x 5.5, 9 x 6 Blank Env. | 1/1/2300 12:00 | Toni V. Mayes | N | |
Sentara Enterprises (Home Care, Hospice, Infusion, Pharmacy, | Local | Infusion Pharmacy | InfusionPharmacyServices_AmbulatoryPumpStatement_1704.pdf | Infusion Pharmacy Services Ambulatory Pump Statement #1704 | 07/2021 Rev. | 1/1/2300 12:00 | Laura Borowski | N | ||
Sentara Enterprises (Home Care, Hospice, Infusion, Pharmacy, | Local | Infusion Pharmacy | InfusionPharmacyServices_AmbulatoryPumpStatement_Sapphire_2294.pdf | Infusion Pharmacy Services Ambulatory Pump Statement Sapphire #2294 | 07/2021 Rev. | Laura Borowski, Dontel Morris | N | |||
Stationery | Local | Cards (Stationery) | SNGH_6K_Nursing_ThankYouCard.pdf | SNGH 6K Nursing Thank You Card w/ Preprinted Envelope | 07/2021 Rev. | Nyasia Z Harrell | N | |||
Stationery | Local | Cards (Stationery) | SNGH_8River.pdf | SNGH 8 River Thank You Card, Embossed Logo Notecard with preprinted Envelope | 07/2021 Rev. | Embossed Logo Notecard w/Env | 1/1/2300 12:00 | Anita Jordan-Williams | N | |
Support Services | Local | Bereavement | SNVMC_NextStepsBereavementBook_booklet_COMPLETE.pdf | SNVMC Next Steps Bereavement Booklet #0252 | 07/2021 Rev. | Cindy Hardy | N | |||
Support Services | Local | General Services/Information | SHRH_Chaplaincy_Thumbprint_Business_Card.pdf | SHRH Chaplaincy Thumbprint Card (3.5" x 2") | 07/2021 Rev. | Vance Midgett | N | |||
Support Services | Local | Laboratory | SAMC_SelfTest_brochure_8_5x14_4panel.pdf | SAMC SelfTest Brochure #2197 Please contact Kathy Prussock at for this brochure. | 07/2021 Rev. | Kathy Prussock/Central Testing | N | |||
Support Services | Local | Laboratory | Halifax_SelfTest_brochure_8_5x14_4panel_12_2019.pdf | SHRH SelfTest Brochure #1924 Please contact Kathy Prussock at for this brochure. | 07/2021 Rev. | Kathy Prussock/Central Testing | N | |||
Support Services | Local | Laboratory | SMJH_SelfTest_brochure_8_5x14_4panel.pdf | SMJH SelfTest Brochure #2198 (Please contact Kathy Prussock at for this brochure) | 07/2021 Rev. | 1/1/2300 12:00 | Kathy Prussock/Central Testing | N | ||
Support Services | Local | Laboratory | SNVMC_SelfTest_brochure_8_5x14_4panel.pdf | SNVMC SelfTest Brochure #2192 Please contact Kathy Prussock at for this brochure. | 07/2021 Rev. | Kathy Prussock/Central Testing | N | |||
Support Services | Local | Laboratory | SRMH_SelfTest_brochure_8_5x14_4panel_NO_CROP.pdf | SRMH SelfTest Brochure #2193 Please contact Kathy Prussock at for this brochure. | 07/2021 Rev. | Kathy Prussock/Central Testing | N | |||
Support Services | Local | Laboratory | SelfTest_brochure2020_8_5x14_4panel.pdf | Sentara SelfTest Brochure #1923 (Please contact Kathy Prussock at for this brochure) | 07/2021 Rev. | 1/1/2300 12:00 | Kathy Prussock/Central Testing | N | ||
Weight Loss | Local | General Information | SNVMC_BMI_Chart_11x8.5_4FINAL.pdf | SNVMC BMI Chart 11" x 8.5" Notepad (50 pages per pad) | 07/2021 Rev. | 50 pages per pad | Stacy Rounds | N | ||
Weight Loss | Local | General Information | 500379_WLS_Exercise_8.5x11_5FINAL.pdf | SNVMC Weight Loss Exercise Resource Flyer (8.5"x11.5") | 07/2021 Rev. | Stacy Rounds | N | |||
Epic Uptime Forms | Local | INSTRCT | PX_Education_Gadolinium_Based_MRI_Contrast_INSTRCT021.pdf | Patient Education Gadolinium Based MRI Contrast - INSTRCT021 | 08/2021 Rev. | 1/1/2300 12:00 | Process Owner: Radiology Services/Teri Bibeault | N | ||
Health and Wellness | Local | General Health and Wellness Info | ProjectConnect_Spanish_4x6_OB_april2020.pdf | Project Connect Card (OB), SPANISH | 08/2021 Rev. | 1/1/2300 12:00 | Vanessa Hill/Anthony Wright | N | ||
Health and Wellness | Local | General Health and Wellness Info | PED_FRONT_ENGLISH_postcard_4x6_August2021.pdf | Project Connect Card (Pediatrics) | 08/2021 Rev. | 1/1/2300 12:00 | Vanessa Hill/Anthony Wright | N | ||
Health and Wellness | Local | General Health and Wellness Info | PED_FRONT_SPANISH_postcard_4x6_August2021.pdf | Project Connect Card (Pediatrics), SPANISH | 08/2021 Rev. | 1/1/2300 12:00 | Vanessa Hill/Anthony Wright | N | ||
Heart/Vascular | Local | Forms | SNGH_AHFC_Final_Preop_assessment_form.pdf | SNGH Adv. Heart Failure Center Final Pre-op Assessment Form #2315 | 08/2021 Rev. | print as 2 separate pages | Mindy Seigh | N | ||
Maternity | | General Information | FBP-NitrousOxideFAQflyer-0821.pdf | FAQ of Nitrous Oxide for Pain Relief in Labor Flyer | 08/2021 Rev. | 1/1/2300 12:00 | Process Owner: MINPF/POC Terri Horst | N | ||
Maternity | | General Information | FBP-NitrousOxideBroch-0821.pdf | Nitrous Oxide for Pain Relief During Labor Brochure | 08/2021 Rev. | 1/1/2300 12:00 | Terri Horst | N | ||
Maternity | | General Information | SPAH_BreastfeedingSupportGroup_Rackcard.pdf | SPAH Breastfeeding & Postpartum Support Group Rack Card #2205 | 08/2021 Rev. | Jennifer "JJ" Toombs | N | |||
Maternity | | General Information | SPAH_Baby_Wall_brochure_2021.pdf | SPAH Commemorate the Birth of a Child - Baby Wall Brochure | 08/2021 Rev. | Angel Barnhill | N | |||
Orthopedic | Local | Sentara Therapy Center | STC_Cupping_Brochure_SNVMC_2304.pdf | SNVMC STC Cupping Brochure #2304 | 08/2021 Rev. | April Harrington | N | |||
Orthopedic | Local | Sentara Therapy Center | STC_PedsNewtown_TherapyHomeProgramSheet_2pt.pdf | STC Newtown Pediatrics Therapy Home Program Sheet #1703 | 08/2021 Rev. | 1/1/2300 12:00 | Process Owner: Rita Brereton | N | ||
Quality-Safety | Local | COVID-19 | 4732_VaxUp_Table_Tents_Print_Setup-NC-print.pdf | COVID-19 VaxUp Table Tents NC (Qty. 50, 100, 200, 300, 400, 500) | 08/2021 Rev. | Chelsie Williams | Allegra | N | ||
Quality-Safety | Local | COVID-19 | 4732_VaxUp_Table_Tents_Print_Setup-VA-print.pdf | COVID-19 VaxUp Table Tents VA (Qty 50, 100, 200, 300, 400, 500) | 08/2021 Rev. | Chelsie Williams | Allegra | N | ||
Quality-Safety | Local | COVID-19 | 4768_VaxUp_Wall_Clings_-COVID_-_NC_print.pdf | COVID-19 VaxUp Wall Clings (NC) 8.5"x11" | 08/2021 Rev. | Chelsie Williams | BizPort | N | ||
Quality-Safety | Local | COVID-19 | 4768_VaxUp_Wall_Clings_-COVID_-_VA_print.pdf | COVID-19 VaxUp Wall Clings VA (8.5"x11") | 08/2021 Rev. | Chelsie Williams | BizPort | N | ||
Sentara Enterprises (Home Care, Hospice, Infusion, Pharmacy, | Local | Hospice | Hospice_HopeCard_Sympathy_Halifax2021.pdf | Hope Card with Preprinted Envelope, Halifax Hospice #1657 | 08/2021 Rev. | Grace Little | N | |||
Sentara Enterprises (Home Care, Hospice, Infusion, Pharmacy, | Local | Hospice | Hospice_HopeCard_Sympathy_Harrisonburg2021.pdf | Hope Card with Preprinted Envelope, Harrisonburg Hospice #1657 | 08/2021 Rev. | WHITE Card Stock, 2 up on 11 x 17, Fold to 8.5 x 5.5, 9 x 6 Blank Env. | Jennifer Mann/Grace Little | N | ||
Staff Resources | Local | General Information | SNGH_NCCU_survey_tentcard.pdf | SNGH NCCU Survey Tent Card #2316 | 08/2021 Rev. | Tent Card/ no bottom flaps | Celeste Youngblood-Bodenbender | N | ||
Staff Resources | Local | Work Tools (Badges, Pocket Cards, Etc.) | SNGH_4RP_PhoneBadge_3_75x4_25_0821.pdf | SNGH 4RP Phone Laminated Badge 3.75" x 4.25" | 08/2021 Rev. | Katrina Russell-Otey | N | |||
Stationery | Local | Cards (Stationery) | SHC_Cville_embossed_thankyou_card.pdf | Home Health Charlottesville Embossed Logo Thank You Card | 08/2021 Rev. | Embossed Logo Notecard with pre-printed envelope | 1/1/2300 12:00 | Grace Little | N | |
Stationery | Local | Cards (Stationery) | SHC_Harrisonburg_embossed_thankyou_card.pdf | Home Health Harrisonburg Embossed Logo Thank You Card | 08/2021 Rev. | Embossed Logo Notecard with pre-printed envelope | 1/1/2300 12:00 | Grace Little | N | |
Stationery | Local | Cards (Stationery) | SHC_NC_embossed_thankyou_card.pdf | Home Health NC (Elizabeth City) Embossed Logo Thank You Card | 08/2021 Rev. | Embossed Logo Notecard with pre-printed envelope | 1/1/2300 12:00 | Grace Little | N | |
Stationery | Local | Cards (Stationery) | SHC_NN_embossed_thankyou_card.pdf | Home Health Newport News Embossed Logo Thank You Card | 08/2021 Rev. | Embossed Logo Notecard with pre-printed envelope | 1/1/2300 12:00 | Grace Little | N | |
Stationery | Local | Cards (Stationery) | SHC_Norfolk_embossed_thankyou_card.pdf | Home Health Norfolk Embossed Logo Thank You Card | 08/2021 Rev. | Embossed Logo Notecard with pre-printed envelope | 1/1/2300 12:00 | Grace Little | N | |
Stationery | Local | Cards (Stationery) | SHC_Suffolk_embossed_thankyou_card.pdf | Home Health Suffolk Embossed Logo Thank You Card | 08/2021 Rev. | Embossed Logo Notecard with pre-printed envelope | 1/1/2300 12:00 | Grace Little | N | |
Stationery | Local | Cards (Stationery) | SHC_VB_embossed_thankyou_card.pdf | Home Health Virginia Beach Embossed Logo Thank You Card | 08/2021 Rev. | Embossed Logo Notecard with pre-printed envelope | 1/1/2300 12:00 | Grace Little | N | |
Stationery | Local | Cards (Stationery) | SHC_Williamsburg_embossed_thankyou_card.pdf | Home Health Williamsburg Embossed Logo Thank You Card | 08/2021 Rev. | Embossed Logo Notecard with pre-printed envelope | 1/1/2300 12:00 | Grace Little | N | |
Stationery | Local | Cards (Stationery) | SHC_Woodbridge_embossed_thankyou_card.pdf | Home Health Woodbridge Embossed Logo Thank You Card | 08/2021 Rev. | Embossed Logo Notecard with pre-printed envelope | 1/1/2300 12:00 | Alicia R Bailey/Grace Little | N | |
Stationery | Local | Envelopes | HOME_INFUSION_PHARMACY_SERVICES_-_SPECIALTY_DEPT__9_2592_BRM_envelope.pdf | HOME INFUSION PHARMACY SERVICES - SPECIALTY DEPT 9 2592 BRM Envelope | 08/2021 Rev. | Valerie D Dempsey | N | |||
Stationery | Local | Envelopes | VirginiaBeachAmbulatorySurgeryCenter_Envelope.pdf | Virginia Beach Ambulatory Surgery Center Envelope (13.25"x10.25") | 08/2021 Rev. | Lori Branson | N | |||
Support Services | Local | Courier Services | Courier_Services_hangtag.pdf | Courier Services Door Hanger #1312 | 08/2021 Rev. | Send to Allegra Printed 2 part W/W |
Jenna Beard/Courier Services | Allegra | N | |
Support Services | Local | Pharmacy | Rx_Allinoneposter_2021_-_EPA_-_P_list_update_with_valid_dates.pdf | Healthcare RX Waste Stream Management #2311 (Laminated) | 08/2021 Rev. | Angela Gilley | N | |||
Support Services | Local | Pharmacy | Medication_and_IV_Solution_Labeling_Outside_Pharmacy_2021.pdf | Medication and IV Solution Labeling Outside Pharmacy (Laminated) | 08/2021 Rev. | ***Files saved on S:PrintServices/Misc...*** | Angela Gilley | N | ||
Support Services | Local | Pharmacy | SentaraRxDeliveryManifest_updated.pdf | Sentara Rx - Delivery Manifest - SNGH 4850-50-005 | 08/2021 Rev. | 1/2 page, 3 Part NCR W-Y-P | 1/1/2300 12:00 | Pinaki Patel | N | |
Support Services | Local | Pharmacy | Sterile_Product_Preparation_Area_Poster_2021.pdf | Sterile Product (IV) Preparation Area Poster (Laminated) - SHS 4870-10-001 | 08/2021 Rev. | cut to 8.5 x 14,
laminated ***Files saved on S:PrintServices/Misc...*** |
12/30/2299 12:00 | Angela Gilley | N | |
Support Services | Local | Sentara To Home | SentaraToHome_Booklet.pdf | Sentara To Home Booklet | 08/2021 Rev. | Lucille Goncalves | N | |||
Work Related Tools | Local | Cards | SHC_Patient_Scheduling.pdf | SHC Patient Scheduling Card #2318 | 08/2021 Rev. | Catherine McGowan | N | |||
Epic Uptime Forms | Local | TRANSPLANT | KP_Transplant_Order_Entry_Requisition_MDORD494.pdf | KP Transplant Order Entry Requisition MDORD494 | 09/2021 Rev. | Kelli Carmichael/Megan Coleman | N | |||
General Medical Services | Local | General Services/Information | Sentara_Laboratory_Services_Draw_Site_Listing_5-2021.pdf | Sentara Laboratory Services Collection Site Listing Flyer #2153 | 09/2021 Rev. | Marisa Kiger/Central Testing | N | |||
General Medical Services | Local | General Services/Information | Sentara_Laboratory_Services_Draw_Site_Listing_9-2021.pdf | Sentara Laboratory Services Draw Site Listing Flyer #2153 (replaced #1886) | 09/2021 Rev. | Marisa Kiger/Central Testing | N | |||
Infection Control | | Isolation Signs | AGP_STOP_Sign_YELLOW_aug2021.pdf | AGP STOP Sign (YELLOW, Laminated, 2 sided) | 09/2021 Rev. | BRIGHT YELLOW, LAMINATED | Caldwell Lewin, Tracey Odachowski, & Linda Estep | N | ||
Infection Control | | Isolation Signs | AGP_YIELD_Sign_YELLOW_aug2021.pdf | AGP YIELD Sign (YELLOW, Laminated, 2 sided) | 09/2021 Rev. | BRIGHT YELLOW, LAMINATED Send out for lamination, needs to be laminated to write on with dry erase pens. |
Caldwell Lewin, Tracey Odachowski, & Linda Estep | N | ||
Infection Control | | Isolation Signs | IsolationSignsAIRBORNE_8.5X11_Landscape_new.pdf | Airborne Precautions #0407, Landscape, Neon Pink | 09/2021 Rev. | Neon Pink Paper, Laminated | 1/1/2300 12:00 | Infection Prevention/Jacqueline Butler/Linda Estep | N | |
Infection Control | | Isolation Signs | IsolationSignsAIRBORNE_8.5X11_Portrait.pdf | Airborne Precautions #0407, PORTRAIT, Neon Pink | 09/2021 Rev. | Neon Pink Paper, Laminated; SRMH Print Shop | 1/1/2300 12:00 | Infection Prevention/Jacqueline Butler/Linda Estep | N | |
Infection Control | | Isolation Signs | IsolationSignsAIRBORNE_8_25x6_Chicklet.pdf | Airborne Precautions #0538, 8.25" x 6", Neon Pink | 09/2021 Rev. | Neon Pink Paper, Laminated | 1/1/2300 12:00 | Infection Prevention/Jacqueline Butler/Linda Estep | N | |
Infection Control | | Isolation Signs | IsolationSignsCONTACT_8.5X11_Landscape_new.pdf | Contact Precautions #0408, Landscape, Neon Green | 09/2021 Rev. | Neon Green Paper, Laminated | 1/1/2300 12:00 | Infection Prevention/Jacqueline Butler/Linda Estep | N | |
Infection Control | | Isolation Signs | IsolationSignsCONTACT_8_5X11_Portrait.pdf | Contact Precautions #0408, PORTRAIT, Neon Green | 09/2021 Rev. | Neon Green Paper, Laminated; SRMH Print Shop | 1/1/2300 12:00 | Infection Prevention/Jacqueline Butler/Linda Estep | N | |
Infection Control | | Isolation Signs | IsolationSignsCONTACT_8_25x6_Chicklet.pdf | Contact Precautions #0539, 8.25" x 6", Neon Green | 09/2021 Rev. | Neon Green Paper, Laminated, 2 sided | 1/1/2300 12:00 | Infection Prevention/Jacqueline Butler/Linda Estep | N | |
Infection Control | | Isolation Signs | IsolationSignsDROPLET_8.5X11_Landscape_new.pdf | Droplet Precautions #0409, Landscape, Orange | 09/2021 Rev. | Orange paper, Laminated | 1/1/2300 12:00 | Infection Prevention/Jacqueline Butler/Linda Estep | N | |
Infection Control | | Isolation Signs | IsolationSignsDROPLET_8.5X11_Portrait.pdf | Droplet Precautions #0409, Portrait, Orange | 09/2021 Rev. | Orange paper, Laminated; SRMH Print Shop | 1/1/2300 12:00 | Infection Prevention/Jacqueline Butler/Linda Estep | N | |
Infection Control | | Isolation Signs | IsolationSignsDROPLET_8_25x6_Chicklet.pdf | Droplet Precautions #0540, 8.25" x 6", Orange | 09/2021 Rev. | Orange paper, Laminated | 1/1/2300 12:00 | Infection Prevention/Jacqueline Butler/Linda Estep | N | |
Infection Control | | Isolation Signs | IsolationSignsNEUTROPENIC_8_25X6_Chicklet.pdf | Neutropenic Precautions #1233, 8.25" x 6" | 09/2021 Rev. | Impose 2 up | 1/1/2300 12:00 | Infection Prevention/Jacqueline Butler/Linda Estep | N | |
Infection Control | | Isolation Signs | IsolationSignsNEUTROPENIC_8.5X11_Portrait.pdf | Neutropenic Precautions #1233, PORTRAIT | 09/2021 Rev. | 1/1/2300 12:00 | Infection Prevention/Jacqueline Butler/Linda Estep | N | ||
Infection Control | | Isolation Signs | IsolationSignsNEUTROPENIC_8.5X11_Landscape.pdf | Neutropenic Precautions, Landscape, #1233 | 09/2021 Rev. | 1/1/2300 12:00 | Infection Prevention/Jacqueline Butler/Linda Estep | N | ||
Oncology | Local | Forms | FIT_Screening_Document.pdf | FIT Screening Document #2312 (Carbon Copy 2pt) | 09/2021 Rev. | Arkeisha C Smith | N | |||
Oncology | Local | General Information | SCN_Rest_to_Connect_meditation_flyer.pdf | SCN Rest And Connect Flyer | 09/2021 Rev. | Arkeisha C Smith | N | |||
Oncology | Local | General Information | SMJH_High_Risk_Breast_and_Survivorship_Clinic_Notepad_4up.pdf | SMJH High Risk Breast and Survivorship Clinic Notepad #2330 (4up) | 09/2021 Rev. | Notepads, 50pp | Kirstyn Marshall | N | ||
Oncology | Local | General Information | SCN_GardenTherapy_flyer.pdf | Sentara Brock Cancer Center - Garden Therapy Flyer | 09/2021 Rev. | Arkeisha C Smith | N | |||
Orthopedic | Local | Sentara Therapy Center | STC_LymphedemaTherapyBRO.pdf | Lymphedema Therapy Brochure #0276 | 09/2021 Rev. | Process Owner: Rita Brereton | N | |||
Orthopedic | Local | Sentara Therapy Center | PlanofCareforLymphedema_1314_2020.pdf | Plan of Care for Lymphedema #1314 - 100 sheets p/pad | 09/2021 Rev. | 1/1/2300 12:00 | Rita Brereton | N | ||
Orthopedic | Local | Sentara Therapy Center | STC_ComprehensiveNeuroRehab_Postcard_Sept2021.pdf | STC Comprehensive Neuro Rehab Postcard | 09/2021 Rev. | Rita Brereton Rehab Services Adminiatration Manager/Kristen Morrisett Marketing | N | |||
Outpatient Services | | Family Health Connection | SNVMC_FHC_8x9_Bifold_Spanish_2021.pdf | Family Health Connection Mobile Van Clinic Services Brochure, SPANISH | 09/2021 Rev. | Helen Linton/SNVMC Marketing | N | |||
Outpatient Services | | Sleep Centers | DaytimeSleepTestingBrochure_updated.pdf | Daytime Sleep Testing Brochure #0390 | 09/2021 Rev. | 1/1/2300 12:00 | Process Owner: Leah Pixley | N | ||
Outpatient Services | | Sleep Centers | HomeSleepTestingBrochure_updated.pdf | Home Sleep Testing Brochure #0391 | 09/2021 Rev. | 1/1/2300 12:00 | Process Owner: Leah Pixley | N | ||
Physician Practices | Local | General Information | Top_HCC_Coding_Opportunities_Gastroenterology.pdf | Top HCC Coding Opportunities Gastroenterology #2337 | 09/2021 Rev. | Stephanie Zieber/Beth St. Laurent | N | |||
Physician Practices | Local | General Information | SMG_YourGuidetoSelectingtheRightCareattheRightTime_11x17_WallCling.pdf | Your Guide to Selecting the Right Care at the Right Time - Self Adhesive Vinyl Wall Cling (11"x17") | 09/2021 Rev. | Send to Bizport; Self Adhesive Vinyl Wall Cling | 1/1/2300 12:00 | Courtney Martone/Sarah Haber/SMG Practice Support | Bizport | N |
Physician Practices | Local | General Information | SMG_YourGuidetoSelectingtheRightCareattheRightTime_flyer.pdf | Your Guide to Selecting the Right Care at the Right Time Double Sided Flyer | 09/2021 Rev. | 1/1/2300 12:00 | Courtney Martone/Sarah Haber/SMG Practice Support | N | ||
Physician Practices | Local | SDHMA | DocumentRetired.pdf | ***RETIRED by Eriqua Rudolph *** SDHMA RelayHealth Sign-up Sheet* | 09/2021 Rev. | Flat Sheet, Single Sided, No Holes, No Staple; Benton Thomas | 1/1/2300 12:00 | Cherie B. Madison/Practice Liaison | Benton Thomas | N |
Physician Practices | Local | SDHMA | DocumentRetired.pdf | ***RETIRED per Christy Newton*** SDHMA Record of Hospital Visit #1616 | 09/2021 Rev. | 1/1/2300 12:00 | Christy Newton | Benton Thomas | N | |
Physician Practices | Local | SDHMA | HealthHistoryForm_Sept_2021.pdf | SDHMA Health History Form | 09/2021 Rev. | Flat Sheet, Single Sided, No Holes, No Staple; Benton Thomas | 1/1/2300 12:00 | Cherie B. Madison/Practice Liaison | Benton Thomas | N |
Quality-Safety | Local | COVID-19 | 4782_COVID_Myths_Long_-_11x17_-_FDA_Update_-_print.pdf | COVID VaxUp Myths (Long Version), 8.5 x 11 Booklet Handout | 09/2021 Rev. | Jaycen LeBlanc Designer | Kelly Kennedy POC | N | ||
Quality-Safety | Local | COVID-19 | 4782_COVID_Myths_-_11x17_-_SHORT_-_FDA_Update_-_print.pdf | COVID VaxUp Myths (Short Version), 8.5 x 11 Booklet Handout | 09/2021 Rev. | Jaycen LeBlanc Designer | Kelly Kennedy POC | N | ||
Quality-Safety | Local | General Information | SVBGHORandPreopWhiteboards24x36TIMEOUTSECTIONRev.pdf | SVBGH OR and Pre-op Whiteboards 24" x 36" Timeout Section (w/pen tray ready to hang) | 09/2021 Rev. | Amy Bonanno | BizPort | N | ||
Sentara Enterprises (Home Care, Hospice, Infusion, Pharmacy, | Local | General Information | HHCCN_CMS10280_Exp2022_v508_LowMoor.pdf | Home Health Change of Care Notice (HHCCN) - Low Moor | 09/2021 Rev. | Punch/Left 3 | 1/1/2300 12:00 | Grace Little/Launi Gettle/Ann Marie Roberto | N | |
Sentara Enterprises (Home Care, Hospice, Infusion, Pharmacy, | Local | Home Care | Sentara_Alleghany_Home_Care_Services_4x6_We_ve_Moved_Card.pdf | Alleghany Home Care Services 4"x6" We've Moved Card | 09/2021 Rev. | Grace Little | N | |||
Staff Resources | Local | General Information | 2021_SNGH_Interal_Directory_booklet_updated.pdf | SNGH Internal Telephone Directory | 09/2021 Rev. | Shauna Ridenhour | N | |||
Staff Resources | Local | General Information | SNVMC_4x9_visitor_card_Spanish_High_Resolution.pdf | SNVMC Visitor 4"x9" Rack Card #2324, Spanish | 09/2021 Rev. | Tonya Jones/Beverly Brevard | N | |||
Staff Resources | Local | General Information | SNVMC_4x9_visitor_card.pdf | SNVMC Visitor Rack Card 4"x9", #2324 | 09/2021 Rev. | Tonya Jones | N | |||
Staff Resources | Local | Work Tools (Badges, Pocket Cards, Etc.) | SLH_ICU_Badge_Phone_Buddy.pdf | SLH ICU Badge Phone Buddy Laminated (3.75"x4.5") | 09/2021 Rev. | Sarah Barcomb | N | |||
Staff Resources | Local | Work Tools (Badges, Pocket Cards, Etc.) | SNGH_SurgServices_badge.pdf | SNGH Surgical Services Laminated Badge | 09/2021 Rev. | Laminated Badge | Monica Sumler | N | ||
Stationery | Local | Cards (Stationery) | SHC_Halifax_embossed_thankyou_card.pdf | Home Health Halifax Embossed Thank You Card | 09/2021 Rev. | Embossed card with preprinted envelope | Grace Little | N | ||
Support Services | Local | General Services/Information | SOH_ChaplaincyServices_Rackcard.pdf | SOH Chaplaincy Services Rack Card #1978 | 09/2021 Rev. | 1/1/2300 12:00 | Kathy Pickett | N | ||
Surgery/Anesthesia | | PA-ASC | SentaraPrincessAnneAmbulatorySugery_PX_Info.pdf | PA ASC Patient Information Booklet #2256 | 09/2021 Rev. | Charmayne A Harrington | N |